is a multidisciplinary sports performance and rehab clinic. We focus on treating and educating our clients on how to navigate an active lifestyle.

Ascension Performance

Manual Therapy //Soft Tissue treatments

Manual therapy and soft tissue massage are essential to treating injuries related to muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and joint pain. In order to reach the root of the problem, we assess, manipulate, and mobilize in order to break up scar tissue, bring blood flow to the area and promote healing in order to help you get back to your best.

Throughout your appointment you can expect to receive manual therapy followed by movement so you and your practitioner can interpret feedback from your body to further target points of pain and discomfort. 

Common Injuries we treat:

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Shin splints

  • Runners knee

  • Sciatic pain

  • Piriformis syndrome

  • Hip pain

  • Shoulder impingements

Strength and Conditioning

Strength and conditioning is just as crucial to young athletes looking to take their play to the next level as it is to elite athletes and long-time active people who want to build on an existing program. A strategic strength program is a key step in our treatment process to not only treat pain and injury, but to target the root weakness and help to prevent returning injuries.

Our strength and conditioning programs are fine-tuned to client needs with experienced and highly qualified trainers who have worked with athletes at all ability levels. Under expert guidance, you can expect to be taken through foundational lifts to build strength as well as exercises in flexibility and endurance to promote a balanced body. 

Injured? Our Director of Strength and Conditioning, Gavin, will work closely with your Ascension practitioner to understand your injury and build a program to take you from the sidelines to the field again.  

What Does An Appointment Look Like?


FIRST: Upon your Initial Assessment we will evaluate your movement mechanics on the gym floor along with range of motion testing in our treatment rooms and manual muscle testing to deduce the root cause of your dysfunction

THEN: We get to work and begin treating and manipulating soft tissue in order to reduce your symptoms

NEXT: While treating we test and re-test to ensure we’re on the right path to target your pain

FINALLY: We’ll sit down and help map your road to recovery. This looks different for everyone, but we encourage a combination of manual treatment and a strength and conditioning program to not only treat your pain, but strengthen your weak points so you can get out and get back to doing what you love